Topless studenten gaan viral Maarten May 26, 2014 Other Stuff De stoere, Engelse Olivia Edginton (20), Lydia Bucker (20) en de Noorweegse Ingvild Marstein Olsen (20) hebben op hun Instagram meer dan 4,000 volgers bij elkaar verzameld. Hoe kregen de studentes dit voor elkaar? Simpel, ze gingen rond de wereld, trokken hun shirt uit en maakte daarvan foto’s. ‘The Topless Tour’ werd een groot succes en steeds meer mensen gaan de uitbundige dames volgen. De dames leggen uit: “It sounds really cheesy on paper, but it really connects you with the people you love. The experience is a whirlwind of different emotions and its so nice to share it with others. “Our family and friends are really supportive. Most of them have even taken part themselves. Everyone is very proud of the message, our parents think it’s really refreshing for young women to be embracing who they are and love for their body. It is something we don’t hear enough about these days.” Inmiddels krijgen de dames verzoekjes van over de hele wereld en sturen vrouwen vanuit meer dan 28 landen hun topless foto’s naar de dames toe. Van Pakistan tot aan de Verenigde Staten. Lydia, afkomstig uit Stratford-upon-Avon : “The Topless Tour isn’t just our story anymore, it’s becoming a part of so many adventures and lives. It is so humbling to know that we are in someway responsible. We are very excited about its future as it has so much potential and can’t wait to see what is in store. “Some people are a bit apprehensive when we ask them to join the tour but when it’s all over they say they absolutely love it. It’s one of those moments where time just stands still. It is so addictive.” De aftersex-selfie? Post Views: 1,221 Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYou must be logged in to post a comment.