De Britse muzikant James Blunt is door zijn label gevraagd om te stoppen met Twitteren. Reden? Blunt zou te kritisch op zichzelf zijn en te hard voor fans en mede Twitteraars. Waar hij zoveel roem kreeg (van o.a. Buzzfeed, Ricky Gervais) om zijn scherpe comebacks kan zijn label dat blijkbaar niet waarderen. In een interview met Radio Times zegt hij het volgende: “My record label wanted me to be on [Twitter] to market myself and my albums. Then I went on there I saw how people could be quite abusive — not just to me but to everyone online — and I was amazed that I even considered taking it seriously … I think it’s remarkable that in this day and age we allow people to voice their opinions as if they were fact, and the fact that people take it seriously is remarkable.” “I thought: I am not going to take that seriously; I am going to laugh at them and I am going to laugh at myself,” aldus Blunt. “So as soon as I was on Twitter I started doing that. My record label immediately asked me to stop as it opened Pandora’s box.” Een paar van zijn grappige Twitter-momenten: Post Views: 899 Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYou must be logged in to post a comment.