Hoe kleed je een Bond bad guy? Maarten November 9, 2015 Style James Bond is een zekere man. Hij ziet er altijd well-dressed uit, is niet op zijn mondje gevallen én weet iedere vrouw te laten zwijmelen. Voor een creative director is het dan ook vrij eenvoudig om Bond in een strak pak te steken. Immers, alles ziet er toch goed uit op 007. Anders ligt het voor de Bond villain, the bad guy. Hoe kleed je een notoire leugenaar die de wereld wil vernietigen? Een interview met de vrouw die verantwoordelijk is voor de kleding van o.a. Javier Bardem in Skyfall en Christoph Walz in Spectre: Jany Temime. Volledige interview op Esquire. Bond has such a specific framework in terms of his style, is it challenging to keep things fresh because of that? The character of James Bond is one of a very confident man. Very well prepared, sure of himself, very well groomed. When you take that on board, you can really design a little bit of whatever you want. Because as long you catch the essence of the character, then the rest is just taking into account the location and the story. What was your process in designing Christoph Waltz’s costumes, obviously his character is very different from Javier Bardem’s in Skyfall? Well, I didn’t want to again do a very colorful villain. Because Christoph Waltz is a very introverted man. And his character is also very introverted. I thought that he’s so devious and so bad that I’m going to make him extremely minimalist. Because his character is beyond horrific, so it doesn’t need much. Everything comes from the inside out. So I sort of refused more and more and more, because I thought that his personality would shine through, and that was enough. The bad he is playing is in his natural form. Post Views: 1,304 Leave a Reply Cancel ReplyYou must be logged in to post a comment.