Persoonlijk vind ik het prachtige, mystieke dieren: slangen. Toch zijn deze reptielen de schrik van menigeen. Hieronder de meest gevaarlijke slangen ter wereld (in High Quality) Even onder je bed kijken vanavond hé, je weet maar nooit!

Boomslang Snake

Found: Sub-Saharan Africa
A boomslang was responsible for the death of famous herpetologist Karl Schmidt.


Timber Rattlesnake
Found: Eastern United States and Canada
The short and stocky snake is the only venomous one in Connecticut.


Gaboon Viper
Found: Sub-Saharan Africa
The Gaboon is the world’s heaviest viper with the largest venom yield. –


Blue Krait
Found: Southeast Asia
Their bite has little to no pain, but their powerful venom can kill very quickly. –


Found: Australia
The snake has some of the most powerful venom on the planet, but it’s being threatened by the invasion of the cane toad. –


Eastern Tiger Snake
Found: Eastern Australia
Their bite comes with a 40-60% mortality rate.


Russell’s Viper
Found: Asia
The snake is so dangerous that another completely harmless species has adopted it’s coloring as a defense.


Coral Snake
Found: Southeastern North America
Coral snakes have very dangerous bites, but at generally pretty docile.


Golden Lancehead
Found: The island of Queimada Grande
Luckily, these tree-climbing snakes are limited to only one Brazilian island.


Saw-Scaled Viper
Found: Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka.
These snakes run their rough scales together making a distinctive sound as a warning. –


Papuan Taipan
Found: Australia
A herpetologist was killed capturing and milking one of these snakes, in order to make an anti-venom. –

Egyptian Cobra
Found: Africa and the Arabian Peninsula
In 2011, an Egyptian escaped from the Bronx Zoo and was not found for almost 5 days.


Australian Brown Snake
Found: Eastern Australia and Indonesia
This is second most venomous snake in the world and it’s not afraid to strike if threatened.

Forest Cobra
Found: Central and Western Africa
This dangerous snake is almost as good in the sea as he is on land

King Cobra
Found: India through Southeast Asia
The King Cobra’s warning sounds more like a growl than a hiss.

Black Mamba
Found: Sub-Saharan Africa
This snake is super-venomous and also incredibly fast, capable at traveling almost 7 mph.


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